First and foremost, toothpaste should be used to brush your teeth. That’s obvious. But at my Holland dental office, we’ve been hearing of other possible ways toothpaste can be helpful around the house, besides just as a daily teeth cleanser. We thought we’d share some of the top uses for toothpaste with our patients because, after all, we’re here to help with whatever we can (except actually cleaning your house).
Of course, being a dentist and having a team full of people who are passionate about teeth, we can’t stress enough how our favorite use for toothpaste is actually using it to keep your smile healthy. Make sure you’re using it to brush twice a day, at a minimum. Besides a good at-home oral hygiene routine, maintaining regular dental cleanings and exams with your dentist in Holland is the best way to reduce the need for cavity fillings or other types of dental procedures like root canals, onlays, or crowns.
We recommend visiting us at least once every six months. If it’s been longer than that since you’ve had a dental checkup, call my dental office in Holland to schedule an appointment today.
Welcoming patients from Holland, Saugatuck, Zeeland.