Each February, we celebrate National Heart Health Month. Heart Health Month’s purpose is to increase awareness of just how big of a problem heart disease actually is, and educate the population on ways to decrease the risk of developing heart disease. At our dental office in Holland, we’d like to help.
We know it may sound strange, taking heart health advice from a dental team, but there’s actually a pretty strong connection between oral health and heart health, and it starts with gum disease. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, occurs when plaque is allowed to build up on teeth, leading to infection. This infection can spread to the bloodstream, causing the body to produce an excess of C-reactive protein (CRP). High levels of CRP can create a whole host of other whole-body concerns including:
The biggest mistake adults make is thinking that just because they received a clean bill of health at their last appointment, they can skip their next dental checkup or cleaning. But the scary truth is, gum disease can start very quietly and without noticeable symptoms. If you do experience any of the following signs, please contact your dentist in Holland right away:
Besides following tips from the American Heart Association like exercising regularly and avoiding tobacco, you should also follow a proper oral health care routine — visit our Holland dental office twice a year, brush twice a day, and floss once a day.
Good dental health is more important than keeping smiles healthy. It can save your life.
Accepting patients from Holland, Saugatuck, Zeeland and beyond.