When you think about your oral health, you may only consider your teeth. But the bigger truth is that your oral health has a direct link to your overall health and even heart disease. As we begin the annual February celebration of American Heart Health Month, the team at our… Read More…
Every year around this time, we begin the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Coordinating schedules, braving the crowds at the grocery store and in the mall, cooking meals, and all the craziness that comes along with preparing for the holidays is bound to increase stress levels. But during a… Read More…
At our dental office in Holland, we tend to put a lot of focus on our patients’ teeth and any concerns they have in relation to the appearance of their smiles. But there’s so much more to consider when evaluating overall oral health. The gums, for example, are one area… Read More…
Each February, we celebrate National Heart Health Month. Heart Health Month’s purpose is to increase awareness of just how big of a problem heart disease actually is, and educate the population on ways to decrease the risk of developing heart disease. At our dental office in Holland, we’d like to… Read More…